This is the End User License Agreement (EULA). It is a serious and official deal between you (the "End User") and the company (OneTime Software) that made the software. This agreement is like the rules for using the software that OneTime Software made. When you install or use our software, you have to follow these rules. It’s a promise you make!
You, as an individual, have permission to install and use the software on two of your own computers. This is for your personal use, not for business. If you need it for your business, you must have a special license.
This site and its software belong to use and it is protected by copyright laws. Do not remove any labels or marks on the software.
You are not allowed to do certain things with the software and you can’t let anyone else do them either:
You can put our software on CDs for magazines, but you need to send us a copy of the magazine.
This agreement stays in effect until you decide to stop using the software. If you break any of these rules, it will end automatically.
We can’t promise the software will be perfect. We don’t give any other guarantees, either. some places have different rules, so this might not apply to you.
If something goes wrong, we won’t be responsible for any extra costs or problems. If there is a problem, the most we would have to pay is the cost you paid for the software.
By installing the software, you’re saying you’ve read and understood these rules and that you agree to follow them. This agreement is the final word on our deal and replaces anything we might have talked about before.
By installing the software, you’re saying you’ve read and understood these rules and that you agree to follow them. This agreement is the final word on our deal and replaces anything we might have talked about before.
If you have any query, please do not hesitate to Contact Us.